Sunday, September 21, 2008

is dis for real or just a dream?will it be true?

is dis real? i totally in i the only one who haf dis feelings in dis relationship?am i the only want who is trying to do the best for this relationship? seems to be like it...i dunno..owh how i just wishd we could even talk bout it..without getting any Seriously hEart-damaged....

just want to be wif to u...there for for u...but i dunno how to even ask u....u know what..coz im just afraid everything will change...n u will leave me...duh...why.......why must it be dis way.....all i want to hear that...the conditions...our conditions....what is happening....who is dat person....ergh....I m so damn jealous ....but yeah....i dunno how to let it i dreaming...will my dream come true?....u haf d answer to all of my question...i do luv u...i do like u like crazeeee....but...i dunno how to express it to u..coz im me...theres a chance of 50% ill haf u..n 50% ill lose

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